Unmatched visibility into the Dark Web

Actively scan the Deep and Dark Web, chat rooms, and communication channels for harmful sentiment and signs of impending attacks.
Monitor critical assets by listening for specific scenarios, including:
Company name
Uncover early warning signs of cybercriminal activity to prevent attacks before they escalate.
Real-time dark web alerts
Distill and curate essential data to prioritize alerts based on severity and relevance.
Stay informed about potential threats, including:
Brand damage events
VIP executive targeting
Smear campaigns
Get timely notifications that empower you to act swiftly against suspicious activity.

Take decisive action based on intelligence
Implement effective measures to mitigate risks with a clear understanding of emerging threats.
Address various threats, including:
Social media profiling attacks
Post-breach activities
Transform dark web insights into actions that safeguard your organization and enhance your overall security posture.